How Can Modern Attendance Systems Reduce Time Theft and Buddy Punching?
[:en]In today's competitive business landscape, efficiency and integrity in time management are paramount. Two pervasive and costly issues that organizations face are time theft and buddy punching. Time theft occurs when an employee misreports their working hours, while buddy punching is when one employee clocks in for another.[:zh]在當今競爭激烈的商業環境中,時間管理的效率和誠信至關重要。組織面臨的兩個普遍且成本高昂的問題是時間盜用和代打卡。時間盜用是指員工不實報告工作時數,而代打卡則是一名員工幫另一名員工打卡。這些行為不僅增加了勞動成本,還損害了組織的整體生產力和士氣。幸運的是,現代打卡考勤系統為這些挑戰提供了強有力的解決方案,融合先進技術以確保準確和公平的時間追蹤。讓我們深入了解這些當代系統如何遏制時間盜用和代打卡行為。[:]